On a hazy morning

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Stooker Roasting Company | Amsterdam

A morning at Stooker Roasting Company

Check out the Q&A we did with Onno and Florian after the images!

Coffee lovers in Amsterdam are getting all excited for the latest addition to the city's coffee scene: Stooker Roasting Company! Our friends Onno and Florian will officially open their awesome new space in the East of Amsterdam on Saturday, March 21. They will not be a coffee bar like other places, but you can visit the roastery on Saturdays to participate in cuppings, taste different coffees, learn more about brewing methods and they're happy to help you to find the coffee you love and how to make a good cup at home. Onno and Florian are both well trained, SCAE certified, professionals and have loads of experience. They will also organise workshops for coffee professionals and home baristas and deliver beans for restaurants and coffee bars.
Many good reasons to visit them soon or find more information on the Stooker website!

This week we're taking over the Instagram account of @stookercoffee , so if you like you can pop over to their account and follow along... Enjoy!

To get to know Onno and Florian a little bit better we've asked them some coffee related questions.

Can you tell us what's your very favourite coffee bean? 
Florian: I was really surprised about the fruitiness of a couple Bolivian I’ve tried last year. Loved the thick, gloopyness of ‘m. 

Imagine: It's a quiet Sunday morning, what's your preferred brewing method when you have all the time in the world?Florian: Let’s say it’s a sunny Sunday morning, I’d prefer a nice overnight coldbrew of an unwashed Ethiopia in that case! 

Which coffeebar, near or far, is high on your list of places to visit? 
Florian: Lomi in Paris is always on my list, love that spot. One I’m really curious about and would like to visit in the future is PULP in Malaysia. 

Can you tell us what's your very favourite coffee bean? 
Onno: Clean, Tea-like Yirgacheffe, packed with Bergamot and Jasmin     

Imagine: It's a quiet Sunday morning, what's your preferred brewing method when you have all the time in the world?Onno: I would go for an Espro Press, nice body, long-lasting. 

Which coffeebar, near or far, is high on your list of places to visit? 
Onno: Caffenation Amsterdam, such a shame I haven’t bean there jet.. Sorry Bert! ;-S 

We hope to meet you at Stooker on a Saturday soon!

Andres & Joyce